
So i was searching through the internet and I found one of the greatest statements. I think I will share.

"I, on the other hand, am not surrounded by giggly girls. I am surrounded by vehement anti-brides. They’re all married. Not one of them bought a wedding dress from a bridal boutique. They didn’t sweat the minutiae, they didn’t fret about the menu, they didn’t freak about seating plans. They didn’t have violins, or limos, or lots of people in tuxedos. They lived full lives thinking about lots of other things, and when the time came, each one put on a dress (bought off the rack), walked down a nondenominational aisle toward a nontraditional officiant, announced (literally, in my friend Beth’s case), "Okay, I’m here. Let’s get married," and got married. After which they announced (literally, in my friend Gail’s case), "Okay, let’s drink." And then they drank. And it was good. They didn’t launch yearlong tactical exercises rivaled only by the preparations for D-Day."
Rock on with your bad self! But then I read on and when she got engaged she was sucked into the whole bridal song and dance. I pray for her. lol.

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