

Okay so I am having a bad one today.

Work is a pain in the ass and life is also a pain in the ass. I saw a video yesterday that just makes me a little prouder in having an environmentally conscious wedding.
It kinda sucks cuz you tell people you need to have certain things a certain way and they look at you like a) you’re an idiot b) your some hippie freak or C) both a hippie freak who’s an idiot.
The truth is that while I do many things to try and minimize my carbon footprint I also feel bad for caring.

Yet this is what I don’t understand. You have a kid or two or three and you love them right? SO you do everything possible for them, you buy them every single toy they want and you move mountains to care and protect them BUT you get in your SUV (or gas guzzling car) and drive to the toy stores and you use products that contain god knows what and your feed them pesticides and then you put them to bed in sheet that some 7 year old made while earning pennies. Do we ever stop and think about where our stuff comes from and what someone might have gone through to make them?
A lot of us live our live (including me) not really giving anything a second thought. We don’t care about global warming because it isn’t directly affecting us. We don’t care about child slavery because it’s not out child and we don’t have to buy it from that little child either. We don’t care about world hunger because we have food in our fridge. We don’t care about the kid next door that’s dying of cancer because our child is healthy. So when do you care? When do you invest time or some money into helping those charities? Truth is none of us do.

Would you give up your daily Starbucks to fund a sick child’s wish? Would you trade in your car for a eco-friendly car so that your children may not suffer starvation and the effects of a world that’s run out of time? Would you buy fair trade products so that factories are forced to change illegal practices?

Many of us would not. We all use the great phrase “well one person won’t make a difference”. If I have ever hated a phrase, that one has to be one of my top 3. The truth is that we are a society that waits for something to be trendy to do it. We wait for everyone else to do it so we can too. We don’t want to be different or stand out. We don’t want to sacrifice unless we can be recognized for it. It’s insane to think that we can make a difference if each of us just unplugged the TV (and most household appliances) while we were at work. It doesn’t take much to do it, and it takes 5 seconds to plug it back. We would save $15 a month if we did that. If we bought candles that were soy or beeswax. Bought recycled paper (both for office use and for our home.) If we used canvas bags instead if plastic bags (this I am guilty of and I am trying to use my canvas bags more)

It just kinda sucks that people think you do these things cuz either you have no money or you’re cheap or you’re a crazy tree hugger. The truth is am neither. I am not short on cash, I am not cheap (as being environmentally friendly can sometimes cost more) and I am no tree hugger. I just don’t see how they can tell us we are too oil dependant (words from President Bush) and we continue to turn a blind eye. This is a man that makes billions from us being oil dependant. I think we should all stop thinking about what’s the next material thing I can get my hands on and we should start helping out a bit more. Whether it will happen within our own homes or whether we will begin to give a helping hand to those outside our homes, I think it’s time we all changed.

Agh so that’s my rant. It just really irks me and I hate people sometimes. The reason for my rant is because so many people have made stupid comments as to why I am doing things this way. Why I refuse to pay for a floor for the tent, why I don’t want chair covers, why I hate bows, and it goes on and on and on. I am not broke nor will I go broke planning this LITTLE wedding. I don’t believe that spending 30, 50,100 thousand dollars is my goal. I think a wedding is like any other step you take in life. I think having a baby, buying a house, staying together 25 years, using canvas instead of plastic are way more important things than a wedding. Yes it’s a nice day and you share it with people, but I think that the money people spend on a wedding can be life changing money for most people.



Okay so I am getting into this blogging thing.

I feel like I am missing something. It’s one of those days when you sit at work and KNOW that you have a thousand other things to do. I have to mail out some paper lanterns that were too green. I need to do that today so that I can get my money back. I also have some eBay stuff that I sold last week that I need to mail out. I am such a procrastinator. I also have to meet a wish kid and have not had the time or energy to set that up.

I am at work, but not really here. I am super annoyed by every task that I have to do and it’s mainly because I am tired. This time change has kicked my butt. I could not get to sleep until 4 am (3 am in old time). I woke up at 6 thinking it was 7 when it was really 6.

So far the greatest thing about my day is that I found this photographer that I wish I could afford. Main reason I can’t afford him is because he would have to fly in. This guys work fits everything that I love about photography. It’s as if he saw the world though my eyes. It’s not your typical wedding photography so many might not like it… but I freaking love it!. I think a lot of things are a waste of money, but I would gladly waste my money on this. I would forgo the whole wedding just for this guy.

Okay so now that I ranted on that. I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that I was speaking to my hubby’s sister about the wedding. As of this moment she is not invited because of a fall out he’s had with her. If it was up to me I would invite her because she is family but it’s not my say. I’ll explain further one day. Anyways I was telling her in my dream to talk to him because I wanted her there. I said I would not get more involved and that it was up to them after I said that. She looked at me like she was going to start yelling. She gets a phone call and when she is done she tells me, “You are lucky. I am in a good mood right now. I’ll talk to him” But then after that I woke up… thinking it was 7 (2nd paragraph explains that confusion.)

Well anyways check some of his stuff out.

So i was searching through the internet and I found one of the greatest statements. I think I will share.

"I, on the other hand, am not surrounded by giggly girls. I am surrounded by vehement anti-brides. They’re all married. Not one of them bought a wedding dress from a bridal boutique. They didn’t sweat the minutiae, they didn’t fret about the menu, they didn’t freak about seating plans. They didn’t have violins, or limos, or lots of people in tuxedos. They lived full lives thinking about lots of other things, and when the time came, each one put on a dress (bought off the rack), walked down a nondenominational aisle toward a nontraditional officiant, announced (literally, in my friend Beth’s case), "Okay, I’m here. Let’s get married," and got married. After which they announced (literally, in my friend Gail’s case), "Okay, let’s drink." And then they drank. And it was good. They didn’t launch yearlong tactical exercises rivaled only by the preparations for D-Day."
Rock on with your bad self! But then I read on and when she got engaged she was sucked into the whole bridal song and dance. I pray for her. lol.

The Dance

Hello again.

So I wanted to share a little dilemma that I am going through. I am not a dancer and neither is Mike. I don't like doing the whole wedding tradition stuff. I don't want to toss the bouqet, or the garter or the dancing. I know everyone thinks that I should. My mom and everyone keeps bugging me about it and to tell you the truth I will probably give in. What people don't understand is the FEAR that I have. I mean straight up sweatly palms, pale face, heart pounding FEAR!

But putting that aside I am CONSIDERING doing the father/daughter dance IF, and ONLY IF, I can find a song to dance.

Everyone might think that is an easy task, but i refuse to dance a sappy "you were always there for me" song. Reason being that he wasn't always there and things have not always been peachy. There were many many years that I didn't speak to my dad, or couldn't stand him, hated him, cared for him, loved him, resented him and the just finally stopped judging him. I want a song to say all that. I know its a lot to say, but I am sure that some tortured rock star wrote a song that fits.

So I have a while to search for a song and unless I find one that I think fits, there will be none of that. Oh and I have tried to get the hubby to dance.... not happening. BUT in case he changes his mind out of pity I at least figured out our song. With or Without You by U2

The Begining

So I am engaged and I thought this would be a great thing. That is until I realized I am engaged to a guy. Now don't get me wrong, I am happy and everything, but it was a harsh realization when I figured out they could care less about colors, favors or any other detail that involves their opinion. "Just do whatever you like dear" ... That can come to bite him in the ass later *evil laughter*

So I now find enjoyment in telling the guy that works with me (who's married and prob went through this with his wife) all the details my dear hubby could care less about. The guy does look at me like I am a weirdo, but oh well i am his boss and he has got to listen and smile.

Also let me start off by saying that although I am kinda secretly excited to be planning this I do find it a big waste of money. I know that is a shock to most bride-to-be's ears, but who cares. These things really are a big fat waste of money. You plan this event to mean something to you, you want it your way, and people will always say stupid things. If you like something one way and it's cheaper that way, people will say that you don't want to do it cuz you don't have money. If you do something to fancy people will say that your better then people and stupid for wasting money. So i have decided to let everyone kiss my ass and suck it up if they don't like it! Plan your own party.

Before we got engaged we had always talked about going to Vegas. When we got engaged I really wanted to go to Vegas. When I told my mom I was engaged, I told her I wanted to go to Vegas. My mom said NO.

Now had this been any other person telling me No, I would have laughed and continued on. BUT she played the "your my only daughter" card and I gave in. I know that I shouldn't have but since then she has gotten so happy and excited over planning this. I think thats what has actually gotten me on board. So now I am planning a wedding with a $3,000 budget. I will not spend more than that.

This blog will serve as my sounding board for stupid comments, feedback and whatever else I need to go on and on and on about :)