
The Dance

Hello again.

So I wanted to share a little dilemma that I am going through. I am not a dancer and neither is Mike. I don't like doing the whole wedding tradition stuff. I don't want to toss the bouqet, or the garter or the dancing. I know everyone thinks that I should. My mom and everyone keeps bugging me about it and to tell you the truth I will probably give in. What people don't understand is the FEAR that I have. I mean straight up sweatly palms, pale face, heart pounding FEAR!

But putting that aside I am CONSIDERING doing the father/daughter dance IF, and ONLY IF, I can find a song to dance.

Everyone might think that is an easy task, but i refuse to dance a sappy "you were always there for me" song. Reason being that he wasn't always there and things have not always been peachy. There were many many years that I didn't speak to my dad, or couldn't stand him, hated him, cared for him, loved him, resented him and the just finally stopped judging him. I want a song to say all that. I know its a lot to say, but I am sure that some tortured rock star wrote a song that fits.

So I have a while to search for a song and unless I find one that I think fits, there will be none of that. Oh and I have tried to get the hubby to dance.... not happening. BUT in case he changes his mind out of pity I at least figured out our song. With or Without You by U2


Nely said...

You dumb biatch, you couldn't go blog on Xanga... you had to go to Blogger. whatevah.

As for your father - daughter dance, yeah, if you look for a song like that and find one, you'll probably have people slitting their wrists at your reception. Might do better to just give him a hug and a kiss and move on.

As for my brother, you drag his ass on the dance floor and you make him dance one f-ing song and as for you take a damn pill to calm your nerves that day. Nothing too strong of course, you don't want to look like you're comatosed. You want to enjoy yourself that day. Don't stress yourself on the stupid things.

Anais said...

We are doing the dance. The darkness is taking over.